Shared Program

2 Day Split: Upper Body - lb

Reps & Sets
This two day split program gives equal focus to upper and lower body, focusing on big, multi-joint lifts to develop functional strength. It's ideal for someone used to working with free weights, looking for something more challenging than a whole body approach program. Aim to complete both days twice a week with rest days in between.

This workout program was created using Reps & Sets, the complete gym loggin app for iPhone and Apple Watch. Get Reps & Sets



105:00 10 miles/h

Bench Press

112 x 110lb
REST 01:30
212 x 110lb
REST 01:30
312 x 110lb
REST 01:30

Assisted Pull-Up

112 x 45lb
REST 01:30
212 x 45lb
REST 01:30
312 x 45lb
REST 01:30

Barbell Shoulder Press

112 x 55lb
REST 01:30
212 x 55lb
REST 01:30
312 x 55lb
REST 01:30

One Arm Row

112 x 45lb
REST 01:30
212 x 45lb
REST 01:30
312 x 45lb
REST 01:30

Assisted Dips

112 x 45lb
REST 01:30
212 x 45lb
REST 01:30
312 x 45lb
REST 01:30

Barbell Curl

112 x 55lb
REST 01:30
212 x 55lb
REST 01:30
312 x 55lb
REST 01:30


REST 01:30
REST 01:30